Hello you lovely monsters, you! I have some news and a favor to ask! First, the NEWS ... I'm revamping the way I've been doing my work, including some of how I package things. Plus I'm going to make some new faces and appliers for my skins. So! As a way to transition, I'm having a very rare HUGE sale on everything at my in world location ! Fatpacks and new releases included! The sale will last for 3 weeks, until September 13th 11:59pm SLT. After that some stuff very well might go away forever (or, at least, only be available in fatpacks), so it's worth it to pick up now while it's cheap! TAXI! Secondly, the favor ... I'm looking for some input on things folks would like to see me make, so I've set up a very short survey that I'd be really grateful if you'd take a few minutes to do - http://tinyurl.com/loblxp4 Help shape the future of Devae. :) Third (oh, you thought you were done? lol) ... Just a heads up - I've been ex...
Creations by Ruina Kessel