It's been a while, and I've been quietly working on things as I can. So! A couple pieces of news: Firstly, I am rebranding my shop! The new name is Devae and you'll start seeing it seep into product names and projects and such. I'm still me, still making the things I make, I just got tired of not being able to search my shop name (do you know how many websites, stores, and other things have the name "rue" in them? You know, because it's a french word for street, and a plant, and the name of a character in Hunger Games ... ). Plus, this new name has a more personal little flavor for me (it's the name of a fictional race I created that tends to inspire my creations), so it's fitting. The actual parcel name won't change for a while - the sim is scheduled for an overhaul and when it's done, my shop will be in a slightly different place - same sim, just different coordinates. So I'm going to wait until then to change the parcel name. Eit...