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Showing posts from July, 2012

Oh my Goodness! New Things!

At long last, I have managed to get some new things done! I can't promise any regularity in releases in the upcoming months as my Real Life is getting busy and weird, but I have lots of stuff boiling on many back-burners, so don't lose hope my pretties! ONWARD! Firstly, as some of you may recall, I've made a foray into hair making, which resulted in this odd little number that I made for the Crazy Hair Hunt: TheHungryDeep. Well, I promised I'd put it out in the rest of the horn colors, and sure enough, I have! (I felt this hair deserved some brooding, clearly) I do plan to make some proper hair with proper hair texture, but seeing as how this hair is really more tentacle than hair, I made it in my horn textures which really made it pleasingly unsettling. As an added bonus, I've put out the Hobgoblin pack (once upon a time made for Moody Mondays) out for $L55 as a release day special for the next couple of days! After that, it'll go up to my typical 6-co...